The following schools have agreed to work collaboratively to impact positively on all
members of their communities:
- Naburn CE Primary School
- Elvington CE Primary School
- St George’s RC Primary School
- Danesgate Community
- Fulford Secondary School
- Fishergate Primary School
- Dunnington CE Primary School
- Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School
- Lord Deramore’s Primary School
- St Oswald’s CE Primary School
The name of the group has been agreed as South York Schools’ Partnership.
The South York Schools’ Partnership has been established by a simple majority in each of
the governing bodies in the proposed collaboration.
The governing bodies of each of the above schools resolve to form a joint committee under
The School Governance (Collaboration) (England) Regulations 2003 to consider the
development of collaborative activities between schools and issues of common concern.
The joint committee will consist of the headteacher and chair of governors, or nominee,
from each of the schools and will meet at least once each year.
The joint committee will be constituted and reviewed according to best practice in school
governance, as laid down in The School Governance (Collaboration) (England) Regulations
2003, and reports from the joint committee will go to each of the governing bodies for
consideration and feedback.
The joint committee may appoint associate members to serve in the South York Schools’
Partnership. Such members may have voting rights only as determined by the South York
Schools’ Partnership and within the terms of The School Governance (Collaboration)
(England) Regulations 2003.
The quorum for the meeting and any vote will be 8 members of the joint committee, each of
whom should be from a different collaborating governing body.
Terms of Reference of the Committee
- To consider the development of collaborative activities between schools and issues
of common concern. - To share a vision to work in partnership to ensure the best possible outcomes for all
of our children. - To work together with a cohesive approach which respects each school’s individual
culture, values and identity. - To share and collaborate in ways which impact positively on all members of our
schools’ communities. - To receive reports from Heads and School Business Managers at joint committee
Appointment of Chair and Clerk
The appointment of a Chair shall be determined by the joint committee and reviewed
annually. The joint committee shall appoint a clerk for the partnership.
A written record of the meetings of the joint committee will be taken by the Clerk and
approved at each meeting.
Convening Meetings
Meetings will be convened by the clerk under the direction of the Heads and Chairs of the
South York Schools’ Partnership. The clerk will give every member of the partnership
written notice of a meeting, a copy of the agenda and any papers to be considered at the
meeting at least seven days’ clear notice before the date of the partnership meeting. If the
Chair of the partnership considers that there are matters that demand urgent consideration
s/he may determine a shorter period of notice.
South York Schools’ Partnership Terms of Reference reviewed and updated 12th November 2014